Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Our Specialities

English name

1. Lesser Rhea

2. Taczanowski's Tinamou

3. Ornate Tinamou

4. Darwin's Nothura

5. Puna Tinamou

6. Andean Goose

7. Torrent Duck

8. Yellow-billed Pintail

9. Puna Teal

10. Red Shoveler

11. Titicaca Grebe

12. Silvery Grebe

13. Chilean Flamingo

14. Andean Flamingo

15. James's Flamingo

16. Humboldt Penguin

17. Southern Giant-Petrel

18. Broad-billed Prion

19. Dove Prion

20. White-bellied Storm-Petrel

21. Red-tailed Tropicbird

22. Red-legged Cormorant

23. Least Bittern

24. Striated Heron

25. White-faced Ibis

26. Puna Ibis

27. Black-faced Ibis

28. Andean Condor

29. Virginia Rail

30. Black Rail

31. Common Moorhen

32. Red-fronted Coot

33. Giant Coot

34. Puna Plover

35. Rufous-chested Dotterel

36. Diademed Plover

37. Tawny-throated Dotterel

38. Andean Avocet

39. Imperial Snipe

40. Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe

41. Gray-breasted Seedsnipe

42. Brown-hooded Gull

43. South American Tern

44. Golden-spotted Ground-Dove

45. Spot-winged Pigeon

46. Mitred Parakeet

47. Mountain Parakeet

48. Barred Parakeet

49. Andean Parakeet

50. Bronze-tailed Comet

51. Andean Hillstar

52. Bearded Mountaineer

53. Black Metaltail

54. White-tufted Sunbeam

55. Giant Hummingbird

56. Purple-collared Woodstar

57. Chilean Woodstar

58. Green-and-white Hummingbird

59. Black-necked Woodpecker

60. Andean Flicker

61. Common Miner

62. Grayish Miner

63. Puna Miner

64. Thick-billed Miner

65. Scale-throated Earthcreeper

66. White-throated Earthcreeper

67. Straight-billed Earthcreeper

68. Royal Cinclodes

69. Surf Cinclodes

70. White-winged Cinclodes

71. Wren-like Rushbird

72. Tawny Tit-Spinetail

73. Plain-mantled Tit-Spinetail

74. Rusty-crowned Tit-Spinetail

75. White-browed Tit-Spinetail

76. Andean Tit-Spinetail

77. Apurimac Spinetail

78. Creamy-crested Spinetail

79. Canyon Canastero

80. Rusty-fronted Canastero

81. Cordilleran Canastero

82. Cactus Canastero

83. Puna Canastero

84. Scribble-tailed Canastero

85. Creamy-breasted Canastero

86. White-crested Elaenia

87. Ash-breasted Tit-Tyrant

88. Bran-colored Flycatcher

89. Spot-billed Ground-Tyrant

90. Puna Ground-Tyrant

91. Cinereous Ground-Tyrant

92. White-fronted Ground-Tyrant

93. Ochre-naped Ground-Tyrant

94. Dark-faced Ground-Tyrant

95. Cinnamon-bellied Ground-Tyrant

96. Black-fronted Ground-Tyrant

97. White-tailed Shrike-Tyrant

98. Gray-bellied Shrike-Tyrant

99. Peruvian Martin

100. Andean Swallow

101. Short-billed Pipit

102. Correndera Pipit

103. Hellmayr's Pipit

104. Tamarugo Conebill

105. White-browed Conebill

106. Giant Conebill

107. Tit-like Dacnis

108. Black-hooded Sierra-Finch

109. White-throated Sierra-Finch

110. White-winged Diuca-Finch

111. Slender-billed Finch

112. Chestnut-breasted Mountain-Finch

113. Puna Yellow-Finch

114. Grassland Yellow-Finch

115. Raimondi's Yellow-Finch

116. Yellow-winged Blackbird

117. Thick-billed Siskin

118. Black Siskin

119. Yellow-rumped Siskin

120. Ampay´s Hummingbird

121. Ampay´s Tapaculo

122. Ampay´s Thistletail

123. Ampay´s Antpitta

Monday, March 17, 2008

Congreso Peruano de Ornitología

The VII Congress of Ornithology would be on North Peru this time, check this out for more information.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Torrent Duck


Distancia (km) LIMA CUSCO
LIMA - 1,104.22
ICA 303.21 801.20
AREQUIPA 966.89 515.96
MOQUEGUA 1,139.98 731.06
TACNA 1,293.12 884.20
AYACUCHO 554.78 596.85
ABANCAY 953.58 198.05
CUSCO 1,151.63 -
PUNO 1,540.61 388.98